Screening and conversation
17 June 2022, 7.30pm
anorak / Markgrafenstr. 85 / 10969 Berlin
Screening and conversation
17 June 2022, 7.30pm
anorak / Markgrafenstr. 85 / 10969 Berlin
Jeanne Faust’s films are like Trojan horses; you always get to see more than you had expected and less than you initially believed to see. In the playful alternation of narrative allusion and the withdrawal of meaning, her works unfold a seductive pull that is hard to resist as a viewer. Likewise, the protagonists of her films seem to be seduced and led astray – by their own profession, by an apparition in the garden behind the rehearsal studio, by a stray dog. In doing so, Faust challenges our cinematographic memory while breaking with familiar narrative conventions and the hierarchies of its staging. What is at stake here is not so much the authenticity or truth to be found behind the images we see, but the inherent logic of a cinematic machine of meaning hidden in plain sight.
anorak is proud to present Faust’s previously unscreened work in progress Trovare, which will be shown along with key works from the last 19 years.
IN ROM, Jeanne Faust, 2014, 4’11”, colour, sound
Répéter alba negra, 2007, Jeanne Faust, 6’44”, colour, sound
Interview, Jeanne Faust, 2003, 8’34”, Farbe, colour, sound
Said Death to Passion, 2008, Jeanne Faust, Jörn Zehe, 7’3″, colour, sound
Trovare , 2022, 15’11”, colour, sound
All films will be shown in their original version with German/English subtitles.
There’s a limited capacity of seats. Doors open 7.30pm, screening starts at 8.00pm. The current COVID-19 pandemic containment regulations apply.
Seeing Is Believing is a monthly screening and conversation series dedicated to artists’ moving image. The programme is curated by Lukas Ludwig and Johanna Markert and realised with the kind support of Anorak e. V. members.
Trovare, 2022 (film still)
Trovare, 2022 (film still)
Said Death to Passion, 2008 (film still)
Interview, 2003 (film still)
In Rom, 2014 (film still)
Drinks are kindly sponsored by Neulich Bier, and Abyme Vodka Berlin.