an exhibition with
Rosa Aiello, Tupac Cruz, Daniel Hopp, James N. Kienitz Wilkins, Julica Morlok, and Ana Wild
Exhibition Opening
on Friday 16 November, 7pm
at Solitude’s project space, Römerstrasse 2A, 70178 Stuttgart
The characters in this show serve as vessels that are inhabited by a multitude of voices. They attach and detach themselves, spill over, solidify and crash into others. Gemini responds to a shared suspicion or discomfort toward a singular, wholesome understanding of identity. The project unfolds in two exhibitions that are siblings of sorts, negotiating a myriad of perspectives within – a series of frequencies that become felt in minimal differences.
The familiar unfamiliar.
Both exhibitions bring together newly developed with existing works and mark the reopening of Solitude’s project space after its renovation.
Opening times
Saturday – Sunday, 3 – 7pm and by appointment via
Exhibition continues 17 November – 8 December
James N Kienietz Wilkins
Special Features (2014)
Video, 12‘
Ana Wild
Need Proof? Poof! (2018)
6-channel audio piece, 41‘
Replica of an ancient pot, replica of Canaanite goddess figurine dated from circa 1200 BC, branch, Myths of King Salomon by C. N. Bialik, half a Shekel coin, ever burning fire
Tupac Cruz
Kein Satz (2018)
Floor: Paper-maché (toilet-paper & wood glue), wool fabric; wall: acrylic plaque (engraved), cork, wool embroidery on cleaning rag
Julica Morlok
virtual materiality (2018)
Latex, foam, fabric
Daniel Hopp
JUMP (2018)
Video, 26‘
Tupac Cruz
Argamas Romo Volumen 5 Lado B Pista 4 (2018)
Video, appropriated, 4‘30‘‘
Rosa Aiello
Hope for the best (2016)
Video 1‘30‘‘
Supported by Kulturamt Stuttgart, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, Akademie Schloss Solitude and Anorak e.V. members